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New Products & The Science of Dosing

Thank you all for your support of our business. I cannot express enough times what an honor it is to serve you. We are always looking for ways to improve and expand our product line to give you the biggest bang for your buck as well as the most medicinal value available to us. This newsletter highlights two of our products: our Venice chocolate bar and our flower strains, OG and Green Crack. The science of dosing within medical boundaries is constantly changing; and as a direct result, so are we. Protocols get rewritten, tinctures and formulas recalculated, a new path is discovered on an old trail. Our Venice Chocolate bar is on one of those new paths of discovery. 

Microdosing is a word you may have started to have heard more frequently last year. Everything now comes in a smaller, more palatable dose and many patients are finding dosing to be easier with this concept. We always want to reflect these changes in the most productive and beneficial ways for our client and in lieu of that, we’ve modified our chocolate bar. The most notable difference in our chocolate bar is the size. Don’t worry though, our product still yields the same 40 grams of chocolate and 6 mgs of psilocybin it did in its original form. These changes come in mind with the new dosing structure of microdosing. 

Microdosing psilocybin can be different, intense, and overall "view" changing. It is a very different and personal experience for everyone who uses psilocybin as a treatment for anxiety, depression, PTSD, and other mental traumas. Not everyone can handle a large dose of this particular medicine; microdosing allows a gentle exploration into a possible relief for life. Psilocybin is becoming a great interest for medical scientists and its effect on our brain’s functionality and it looks as if it is only becoming more permanent in our medical dialogue.

New Flower Strains, a Family Affair

Just off the vine from our family grow we are offering two very beautiful strains to you, True OG and Green Crack. The genetics of Green Crack were created in Humboldt County with our growers intelligence in the design. True OG is just that the gangsta of indica, again our grower had his hand in the genetics. One of the things I am most proud of is our raw plant material is grown on either my Uncle Tom’s farm or my cousin Andy’s. We are ceremonial people and each crop (seed) is started with a prayer that the medicine may find its way to the correct person and allow the greatest healing possible.

Green Crack

Green Crack is a focused, energetic, and euphoric sativa that can help turn any sour mood into a happy, uplifted attitude. Focused more on the body than the mind, this sativa will allow you to bob and weave your way through your stressful day without any sluggishness.

True OG

True OG is a very potent, mellow mood inducing, indica lullaby that will ease you into complete and total relaxation. This strain comes with a heavy "head high" and lasting effects, so just make sure you’ve completed your list for the day.

Uncle Tom

Our outdoor grow is threatened by new regulations. This is very concerning to me as I do not feel the same level of medicine can be recreated in a false environment. It is my commitment to you to always source the best organic grow to create concentrates from. When you think about how much you are enjoying your products, please send a good thought to the men who grew it for you. They are not growers~ they are farmers. This is their life and they love all of you who benefit from their passion.

Cousin Andy Organabliss Family Farm ~ Humboltd, CA

~ Enjoy and Wado ~ Thank you from my family to yours.  Robin Swan

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