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Who We Are

Firebird Touch Therapy, founded by Robin J. Swan, believes in compassionate care and builds its business on Faith Hope Charity and Love. We are committed to finding a way for everyone to have what they need. We are veteran cosmic rockers with a generational lineage that’s tied deeply to the roots of the cannabis plant. Our ancestors have known how to cultivate and use cannabis and other herbs to heal everything from warts to cancers for thousands of years. These techniques have been past down to us via our elders and we are still creating medicine in the same way.

By creating our products in small batches using the ancient extraction techniques we are able to create a superior high quality medical oil. All our products are organic, starting with organic outdoor flour extracted through organic cane sugar ethanol. There are no petroleum or butane products used in any of the medicines we create. We like to say each seed is cracked with a prayer and grown with the intention of healing the user. This synergy creates a cohesive product that is infused with love and good intent. Every batch of medicine we make is started with the same integrity providing us with a consistent quality product.

Roots of Extraction: A Little History

People often find that some of the “miracle” drugs have alleviated one condition only to produce a worse one. A person in a situation like this, may well be interested in trying some of the remedies which “Grandma used to make and take”. The value of plant drugs is assessed in Cancer Chemotherapy Report No. 7, issued by the Public Health Service in the early 1960’s. Discussing plant remedies for cancer, the assistant chief of research in that field, Jonathan L. Hartwell writes: "The empirical application of plants to the ailing human body over thousands of years has resulted in certain observed effects interpreted as beneficial, and has culminated in the development of many useful drugs for a number of diseases. If there is any hope in a chemical treatment for cancer, it is reasonable to believe that such an agent is as likely to originate from a plant as from pure synthesis or man made chemical. The Ebers Papyrus, shown on right, (ca. 1550 BCE) from Ancient Egypt has a prescription for Cannabis sativa (marijuana) applied topically for inflammation".


Evidence shows herbology as a primary medicine in American history as early as 1492. Going back further than this becomes a matter of Native American pre-history. To tell the global story, one has to go back to the very beginnings of civilized existence, back to a time about which only educated guessers can write. On this particular subject, one of the best guessers is Sir E. A. Wallis Budge. What follows are a couple of paragraphs from his fascinating book, The Divine Origin Of The Craft Of The Herbalists.

It has already been said that many ancient nations thought that the gods themselves were the first herbalists, and that it was they who had taught their vicars upon earth how to heal the sickness of mankind by means of certain herbs and plants. More than this, they thought that the herbs and plants which the gods employed in their work of healing were composed of or contained parts of the bodies of the gods. It is impossible to say exactly which nation possessed the oldest gods of medicine. Of the Chinese gods of medicine little seems to be known. Some authorities claim that an Emperor of China called Huang-ti, who reigned about 2637 BC, composed a treatise on medicine, and that another Emperor, Chin-nong (2699 BC), composed a catalog of Chinese herbs, or a sort of pharmacopeia.

Moving forward in time from the clouded past of prehistory, one finds that our medical heritage from Europe actually had its beginnings in Egypt. We are indeed fortunate to have a record of herbal medicine in the land of the pharaohs. Proof of this survives in a papyrus translated by George Ebers, a German of the late 19th century. In Europe by the year AD 130, the Greek physician Galen was writing about a system of medicines based on plants which we inherited. In Mexico there have been found manuscripts of Aztec medicine, written in Latin as early as 1552, found by a native doctor who had been educated by local priests.

In Hawaii there exists a native flora which is used to this day by their medicine people. We cannot investigate here all that exists as most information is handed down verbally and takes 15 years to complete as a Hawaiian Medicine Person, or Huna. In precolonial days in Hawaii, the Medicine Person, in addition to being an herbalist, had to be well schooled in the importance of spiritual or magical numbers. In America, one sees evidence of medicine from plants being used as early as the landing of Columbus. Herbology and the use of native plants have been practiced by Native Americans since they can remember, long before the wave of foreign treasure and land seekers descended upon their shores.

By taking a look at the past we can see the absolute importance of plants and herbs in medicine and the history of medicine. Many of the techniques used today for extraction of dried or raw herbs, remains the same as it did thousands of years ago. The same care, consideration, and time are practiced today. These techniques were necessary to complete extractions in the days of ancient Egypt, and beyond.

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